I have just stumble accross an unexpected situation. Upon my trip to the local MBW center, I was interested in demo'n the 325i. Surprinsingly, the saleman informed me of their last 03 model. It was (smelled) BRAND new, never titled with low (test driven) miles. It had everything I was looking for:
Premium Pckg
Montana Leather
Heated/Power Seats
Alarm Installed
Manual Trans
Floor mats
All for $28,800
From what I saw, it was identical to the 04 325i in appearrance inside and out. A similarly equipped 04 was pricing at about $33,500.
My question is, is there any difference between the two model years?
My salesman assured me that they were a mirror image with the exception of BMWAssist. He said engine, features, chassis, suspention, lights, design, etc. are all identical. One was just produced a year earlier.
I would love to save $5K. Any help or opinion would gladly be appreciated. HH
Premium Pckg
Montana Leather
Heated/Power Seats
Alarm Installed
Manual Trans
Floor mats
All for $28,800
From what I saw, it was identical to the 04 325i in appearrance inside and out. A similarly equipped 04 was pricing at about $33,500.
My question is, is there any difference between the two model years?
My salesman assured me that they were a mirror image with the exception of BMWAssist. He said engine, features, chassis, suspention, lights, design, etc. are all identical. One was just produced a year earlier.
I would love to save $5K. Any help or opinion would gladly be appreciated. HH