Yep...that annoying Woody Wood Pecker pulsation is exactly what ABS is supposed to do. It rapidly slaps the pads against the rotors so amazingly fast so that it achieves the maximum friction without letting the wheel ever lock.
I could go looking for the article…but trust me I'm not selling anything…the National Highway whatever administration recently finished a study of ABS. Anti-lock had been praised as the next coming as far as automotive safety deals go. But the study found that most drivers, when they felt the sensation through the break pedal, actually lifted their foot off the brake!!!!!
As a result, ABS has had a negligible impact on reducing crashes cuz people don't know how to use them. We used to be taught to pump the breaks so they don't lock. I was told to not try any excessive steering maneuvers while braking hard. But with ABS, we're supposed to slam down hard and stay there and continue to steer. (Roundel had a good article on this...telling people to go out to their local empty parking lot and practice a few emergency stops.)
Good think you got a chance to feel how it is so when you really need it, you're not one of these statistics that lifts off the brake in a knee-jerk reaction.