Turbo's on BMW's are touchy, due to the higher amount of psi you're pushing on a turbo setup (vs a Supercharger). 6-8psi is safe, and is what most SC kits put out for E46's. Whatever kit you're looking at that claims to give you 400hp for your car, is going to melt it.. Turbos require alot more upkeep and mechanical knowledge to maintain vs a SC, which is about as close to bolt-on and forget as you can get with FI on a BMW. Turbos will also put your engine down quicker than a SC will, again due to the higher PSI that they need to push.
You really should consider the AA SC, and do a little reading in the Forced Induction forum over at E46fanatics.com. Alot of your questions can be answered by the FI brainiacs there. AA SC's are so far the 'safest' form of FI for E46 models, with many cars over 30,000 miles with them installed.
You 'really' don't wanna melt your engine, unless you have plans for an engine swap already in the back of your mind..