Beginning to believe BMW really means Just Empty Every Pocket aka JEEP

Fort Worth, TX
Got my new motor installed 2 weeks ago. Put the super charger and aftercooler in. Drove it for 200 miles (oil line to the SC separated twice) got the line definately secured now.
Problem: The car will not fire up. Cranks like a bandit, but no fire. Also, the aux fan that normally would come on with the ignition key on "doesn't". I have replaced oil soaked relays, have ordered a new ECU.
Question is: what could the spray of oil damage or rather seep into on the left side of the engine compartment to prevent the engine from restarting or better yet screw up the ECU? [scratch] [werd]
Fort Worth, TX
I don't really blame BMW. Just having some fun. Actually, the trouble began when trying to get the car to pass local emission testing. Texas has mandated that vehicles with OBII connections cannot be dino tested to determine compliance with the emission standards. When RMS reprogrammed the iso chip, the DME stopped monitoring the emissions, thus for the past 3 years i have gotten away with passing the test via dino testing. This year however, i can't use the alternative testing.
As a new ECU will arrive on March 5, i will be able to reprogram the e-prom inclusive of the emissions monitoring capability.

It is just head knocking that the emission laws of Texas are so arcain. Might have to move the car to Michigan whereby that state has eliminated emission testing.
Fort Worth, TX
Update: Got the new ECU today. Plugged it in. My Aux fan now winds up. But, the engine still does not light up. Me thinks the Cam Sensor is fowled with the oil that shot out of the SC oil feeder. Will push the car out of the garage on Monday, jack it up, and find the Cam Position Sensor to clean it. As for reprogramming the e-prom, i have to get the engine firing to have the cable connect to the ECU (i think). The saga continues. My wife is getting impatient. But, as i told her: It's my play toy. Irrespective of the $$$ spent, when it is running, it is a blast. As for now, it is merely a challenge to my own ego.

