Thanks Vlad, think I'll start with a carnuba and see how it goes...
by the way, your sig is hilarious!
man, I need to talk to you! Flying into Frankfurt, train ride to Munich. Pick up and head out to Garmish, Austria/Switzerland, corner of Italy (Milano), then along the coast of France into Spain, down the east coast, through Barcelona, into Madrid, then over to Lisbon, Portugal. Put the car into a container, then on a ship to here, the Azores, 1000 miles from Lisbon. Where did you travel? any suggestions? warnings? I recently traveled to Italy for a week and have driven on the Autobahn (autostrada) so I am very familiar with that. Saw a couple on a bike bite it on a turn at about 160 in traffic..... anyway, please email any helpful info.
CANT WAIT..... 38 more days...