I picked up my '04 ZHP last night. Today, I noticed some things wrong. The tachometer shows a 6500RPM redline - should be 6800. I don't have an M footrest or M door-entry sills.
Can others with Canadian models confirm this?
I find it very strange, since the Canadian BMW site clearly says it should have these things.
I suspect it is a 6800RPM redline but they saved money by using the same tach for everyone.
I'm wondering if I should go after them for these things. Probably a waste of time though, as they will claim that things are subject to change.
The website also says that all 330i's get a full-size alloy spare - even on the summary page after building a ZHP. I got a donut. I was expecting that, but they shouldn't advertise something different.
Can others with Canadian models confirm this?
I find it very strange, since the Canadian BMW site clearly says it should have these things.
I suspect it is a 6800RPM redline but they saved money by using the same tach for everyone.
I'm wondering if I should go after them for these things. Probably a waste of time though, as they will claim that things are subject to change.
The website also says that all 330i's get a full-size alloy spare - even on the summary page after building a ZHP. I got a donut. I was expecting that, but they shouldn't advertise something different.