Yeah dude, the guy at radio shack said you can do the basic installation, as well as hardwire that %*#*#
But when I called BMW, they say that they do not do installations on 2001's, only from 2002's and on. I asked him if it was possible, and he basically gave me a robot answer that they don't do installations on 2001's and below.
I have the Orbiter currently, and Im not really sure where a feasible place would be to place this $*#*# on my car. My friend has a Nissan Maxima, and he bought the Sportster Reciever which is smaller, and convienently placed that ##*# in his ash tray.
I know there are outside shops that say they can do it, but if BMW says it can't be done, I don't want to ****kk up my car stereo system. I have Kardon speakers.
What do you think??