Can't Hook Sirius On 2001 330ci?!?!??!?!

New Jersey
yo, didn't you buy the car kit? I'm pretty sure the guy at Radio Shack told me he can hard-wire the car kit to the car. One way or another, you can definitely get it done. You just have to get the right Sirius satellite radio receiver. I think I am going to get it in my car soon too, it just kicks so much ass...
Yeah dude, the guy at radio shack said you can do the basic installation, as well as hardwire that %*#*#

But when I called BMW, they say that they do not do installations on 2001's, only from 2002's and on. I asked him if it was possible, and he basically gave me a robot answer that they don't do installations on 2001's and below.

I have the Orbiter currently, and Im not really sure where a feasible place would be to place this $*#*# on my car. My friend has a Nissan Maxima, and he bought the Sportster Reciever which is smaller, and convienently placed that ##*# in his ash tray.

I know there are outside shops that say they can do it, but if BMW says it can't be done, I don't want to ****kk up my car stereo system. I have Kardon speakers.

What do you think??
New Jersey
The guys at BMW were probably thinking of their OEM satellite radio kit. That kid is not available for your car. You can easily take it to Best Buy and purchase a satellite radio receiver that hard-wires to your car. In fact, I believe this is what I am going to do. I also have the Sirius [Radio Shack] Orbiter unit but I am not going to buy the car docking station for it....the receiver is too big and the docking station thing will take up too much space on my windshield. Best Buy and Circuit City, among other retail stores, sells smaller satellite radio receivers that mount or install somewhere into your car and can be hard-wired to your car's stereo system. It will not harm your car at all.

Btw, you don't have to sensor your own words. The forum does it for you and you are allowed to say "shit". See look: shit
