Car not starting

Greensboro, NC
Hey there-

ok, here is my sob story. I just bought a 1996 328is with 130k miles on it. I was able to justify this older car purchase because the guy that was selling was a pretty reputable dealer and had replaced a bunch of the parts on the car (water pump, fuel filter, belts, hoses, breaks, new tires, plugs, wires, couple more small things...) i was also in pretty desperate need of a vehicle with better fuel economy and such. But ok down to the point- After about 2 days of having the car, it wont start. It started, then sputtered then died. Couldnt get it started again. waited overnight, thinking it was just vapor locked, I sprayed starter fluid down the intake, it started back up again. Then after another day of driving, it died yet again. we took it to the guy we bought it from, he thinks its the fuel pump going bad so we wait for a new one. The fuel filter is replaced too because the old fuel pump let metal shards get going through the fuel lines because it was falling apart. pump and filter get replaced, and drives great, starts and stops just fine for the rest of that day. I try and start it up that night, doesnt start. The car turns over just fine, but its still acting like its not getting fuel. The relay could be bad, but other than that, i simply dont see what else could be causing this. We checked the ECM just incase moisture was able to reach it and causing a ECM short. All the connections are ok. We have plenty of spark to the motor as all the plugs and wires have been replaced and checked. It just simply is not getting fuel to the motor. Is there anything else that could be causing this problem?

im stumped. [scratch]

Any help would be greatly appreciated as ive spent over $600 on parts/labor/towing. Doh (should have stuck with my gas guzzling Dodge Durango 5.2L V8)

new jersey
There could be something wrong about the BMW clutch.Its obviously in the transmission issue,Hey I think your dealer is favored everytime you spend some cash to them.I suggest you should instead go to your trusty mechanic,so you wont waste your dollars on unnecessary parts.
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New Member
Los Angeles
Does your car have a factory alarm? Sometimes the factory alarm system is not yet disengaged and the cutoff switch hasn't activated yet. This will also not allow the car to start. You'll need to reset the alarm then it will kick over. This also happens to my car, I've already checked all my BMW 320 Parts, but nothing happens...then I found out that I haven't reset the factory alarm yet...Another thing if it won't work on you,a possible bad nuetral sefety switch. This will not allow the car to even crank if not in park or neutral. If the switch is shorted or bad you will have a no crank condition.Also, have you checked your starter relay also the fly wheel gear could be striped and you are not geting a conection between the two gears.Let me know about any development on your car...Good luck![thumb]
Greensboro, NC
thanks but i ended up fixing it.

because the fuel pump was dieing it took the DME relay down with it. The DME relay powers the ECM, Ignition and the Fuel Pump. Switched em out. good as new :)
