ya, i know it's the thermostat and i looked in my shop manual and it says you have to drain the coolant entirely. my mechanic is saying that my radiator is "used to" some lowsy coolant (lowsy meaning it's mostly water, i suppose), and he says that by draining the system and replacing it with new coolant, the radiator might not work properly, and thus "create a 300 dollar problem." i tend to drive with a heavy right foot, so it's hard for me to tell if i'm keeping it at "low revs" but i keep it below 3500 RPM until it gets out of that low range, and about 1/8 of the way up the meter(1/2 of the way up to itsnormal operating tempurature). if what my mechanic is saying is true about my radiator, then i would like to, at all cost, avoid replacing my thermostat. however, if i'm damaging my engine, somebody tell me! it's at 204k right now and running strong, but i'd like for it to remain that way. thanks.