Like rjp said, get codes from the motronic controller. I forget how many times you hit the brake in ignition on position.
but stalling when cold engine is because if bad fuel system, bad vacuum system, bad idle air stabilizer, bad coolant temp sensor, or/and a bad gasket.
1. check that the pump is at spec or within tolerance.
2. test injectors and replace injector seals while you are at it.
make sure there are no leaks between the AFM and engine
idle stabilizer:
make sure valve moves freely, there are 40 ohm and 20 ohm values on the three pins ....that should be enough to make sure its ok.
temp sender:
2.1k-2.9k ohm @ 68 f
your cold start (different from idle control) valve could be bad. gotta unbolt that and test its flow rate. the electrical system for it could be bad.
damn, you guys should purchase a manual