Bryan330i said:
I am afraid to let anything with silicone near car paint. I always thought this was a sure way to develop problems. My experience has also been that you get what you pay for and in the testing results that I am aware of Zymol carauba is consistently one of the best.
The Rain-X Ultra is certainly a lot cheaper, but when I had this applied to my Expedition at a local detail shop (they talked me into this and were offering a special and it was $20.00 less than others) I was not impressed. Sure, it does have a very slick feel after application just like they claim, but I find that it does not hold up well and attracts significantly more dirt.
The leaders in this industry will remain as far as I can see.
I'll have to agree with Bryan - haven't read too many good things about polymer/synthetic waxes.
I know from what I've read that P21S & Trade Secret are among the best. Meguiars and Mother's from personal experience is not bad either. Try to stay with pure carnauba and not the cleaner carnauba waxes - cleaners and waxes were designed for 2 different things and seem strange in the same bottle. Here's something I got from
Carnauba Waxes:
A darker, deeper, richer shine.
Best carnauba waxes produce a liquid, "wet-looking" surface.
Carnauba waxes tend to hide minor swirls.
Carnauba waxes bead water (tells user when to re-wax surface).
Limited durability (Carnauba starts to melt at 180 degrees F).
50% gone in 30 days, 75% gone in 60 days, re-wax in 90 days.
Some carnauba waxes harder to apply. (Require more effort to buff off).
Some carnauba waxes create chalky- white residues and stain trim moldings.
Low surface adhesion - can be removed by car washes and detergents.
More prone to water spots.
Usually requires a strong petroleum solvent base.
Can cloud and/or streak on dark color cars.
Can be difficult to apply by machine.
Polymer Waxes:
Longer lasting. (Most will last six months or longer)
Easy to apply.
Very bright shine.
Some synthetic waxes sheet water which reduces water spots.
Stronger surface adhesion resists detergents.
Usually easy to apply by machine.
Can be water-based or use a mild mineral spirit.
Bright shine is often referred to as sterile, lacking emotion.
(it does not allow the paints true pigment to show through)
Tends to high light or amplify minor swirls and paint imperfections.
Sheeting does not give a visual clue of when to recoat.
Some products have long cure times between coats.