In January, I described a problem with my BMW323, where when shifting from park to reverse after the car sat in my garage overnight in cold weather, the car wouldn't move and rose up in back. After shifting to neutral and drive, it moved forward. Then, after shifting back into reverse, the car made a cluncking sound and lurched backwards. The problem has recurred, this time not in cold weather, but still on the first start of the day. This time the parking brake was on. I released the parking brake and shifted into reverse, and the right rear of the car rose up, but the car would not budge. Then I put it into drive, and the right front of the car rose up, but still the wheels would not turn. After shifting back and forth and getting the same symptons, the right rear lifted up, made a clunking sound, and the car lurched backwards. It then worked fine in all gears. Some of you suggested that it might be a sticky parking brake. Are these new symptons consistent with that, or with anything else you can think of?