....and codez57...what do you think of those girls who get worked up over hideous dresses? Do you think they are a bit immature? Maybe, maybe not.
Sorry guys, I'm not getting worked up here. I just think putting up posts to put cars or other modded cars down is just a waist of an arguement. I don't like Red tint, but, I don't bash it on forums when I see another car with one.
...and epj3, I'm not ranting over his opinion, we have the same opinion, just didn't like how he posted it, but that's his right to post it, and I should have just listened, that's all.
Didn't mean to offend anyone or piss anyone off, just my 2 cent worth. Next time I'll keep my mouth shut and just listen to what people have to say.....I guess that is what a forum is all about, sorry....
Happy Driving Everyone!!!!