I go out to my car around four to go home. I push in the clutch and damn near drive throughthe front of the building!!!! So I get out and look under my car, and there is a huge puddle of what amazingly looks similar to hydraulic fluid. Don't know where it's coming from, but I would put my money on either the slave, or master cylinder. So I am stuck at work right now, typing to you guys when I should be home getting something to eat!!! Thank god I don't leave my car in reverse or I would have backed straight into oncoming traffic on Valley View Blvd.!!!!! DAMNIT!!!! DAMNIT!!!!! DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!! I am just going to find out what the guy around the corner wants for his 1991 318is and go buy it. There are people here that think there is always a more intelligent way to express yourself than swearing, but Those are the only words that are running through my mind.