Do BMW owners wash car more than other car owners?

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Frisco Cali
[wave] I just want to get an idea on how often do all you BMW owners wash your car and do you feel that you might NOT be doing it as much if it wasn't a bimmer but a Lexus, Honda, or a Toyota maybe.

I want a nice new shiney look from my car and tend to wash it once a week rain or shine. I feel that I might be over doing it as it seems like I am the ONLY car owner on my whole street block that does this so frequently. I guess I should not care about what my neighbors might think but I feel that they might think I am overly obsessed with keeping my car clean eventhough it does look somewhat clean already.

My neighbors around me also have pretty nice cars like a Lexus, Infiniti, Acura MDX, Hondas, but I am the only BMW owner on the block. I just don't see them fussing over their car as much as me.

So what do all you think?

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