Wow, I gotta quit making even tiny jokes around here. I've got an 86 325es that has over 200k miles on it and it needs some work. Not that I want to invest in something I'd rather sell. Besides some rust, the suspension should probably be gone through thoroughly and frankly there are rattles and squeaks when I hit a bump. Not bad like a beater pick up truck but not a new sedan de ville either. From the vague remark about squeaks that mrferg made I couldn't tell what he was talking about so I made a goofy, cryptic comment about squeaks right back at him. Didn't want anyone to think I didn't know what he meant especially since I had just made that effing brilliant comment about lifter noise. So I did the old 'If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance...' routine. I guess I'm not as think as I funny I am.
So here's the deal - if you don't hear a squeak don't be concerned. It's a good thing.
They say being worried about getting sick all the time, especially when you hear about a new disease, is one of the warning signs of hypochondria. I wonder what they call it when you worry about your car getting sick?
Sorry if I freaked anyone out.