I need a little information, if possible, on differences between ECU units for my car. The original was a I think. I replaced it with a 027 that was suppose to be a upgrade however, since I've installed another 000 unit, the car runs a lot better. Maybe the reman 027 was a bad one who knows. When starting the engine, cold or hot, day or night, the engine revved high. It's not doing this now so I have to assume the reman had a problem. It wasn't the DAC motor or it's computer doing this revving.
I just purchaced a Jim Conforti chip. Opened the old 000 ECU and found it doesn't have a removable EPROM socket. Now I'm wondering if the aftermarket chips are a fix for the upgraded (027) ECU's. I understand the rev limit is higher, although I've never felt the rev limiter and I've had the needle to five without a cutout.
There are several computers for my car it looks like. All these are for 10/83 to 4/94...000, 027, 024, 154. Before I start thinking I need to find a certain number computer to put this chip in, what am I looking for? What were the upgrades on the 027? was it fuel economy, emisions? Anyone??????
I just purchaced a Jim Conforti chip. Opened the old 000 ECU and found it doesn't have a removable EPROM socket. Now I'm wondering if the aftermarket chips are a fix for the upgraded (027) ECU's. I understand the rev limit is higher, although I've never felt the rev limiter and I've had the needle to five without a cutout.
There are several computers for my car it looks like. All these are for 10/83 to 4/94...000, 027, 024, 154. Before I start thinking I need to find a certain number computer to put this chip in, what am I looking for? What were the upgrades on the 027? was it fuel economy, emisions? Anyone??????