Front Bumper Came off AGAIN!!!!!!

No. California
Bought my 2004 325ci end of Jan. 05. It was an executive car with just under 10,000. miles. Two weeks later the bumper got caught on one of those dang parking blocks. What was strange I did not scrape it when I parked but when I backed up OMG it sounded like the whole thing ripped off. Since they fixed it I DO NOT even park near those things. Well the bumper fell off on the drivers side again and the dealership is making me pay for it. I lucked out somewhat when I took my car in to get the seal replaced that fell on the passenger side and to fix my bumper they gave me a rental. Had to wait an HOUR to get the darn rental meanwhile I get the rental drive an hour to get home then get a call from the service dept. saying that they couldn't find the key to my car. So they tried to get me to pay $1,500.00 for a new bumper but I said "Excuse me! you lost my key I had to bring over my only key left and you want me to pay you are full of S***!" So now they want me to pay part of it $560.00 I still think they should pay for it. What do you think. I have only had my car 6 mos. and I have had nothing but bad luck. This really stinks. [nono]
Well, I don't want to be critical, but since you asked...

If you smashed the car into a tree, would you expect them to fix it for free? So why should they fix the ripped off bumper cover for free? From your explanation, It's the same thing, you caused the damage.

It sounds like the mounting holes/tabs in the plastic bumper cover got torn and they are not able to repair them, so you need a whole new bumper cover.

This probably would be covered by your insurance. Since you were moving it would probably be considered collision, not comprehensive, but I could be wrong.
New Jersey
So this second time around, did the bumper just fall off randomly, or did you cause it again? If it just fell off due to shoddy repair work on their part, they should fix the bumper for free. I do not know how it works with dealerships, but typically after body work has been performed to your car, the work comes with a warranty.
No. California
It was their shoddy repair work when they fixed it the first time. The first time we took it in we thought they were replacing it because it was definately broke however they told us they were able to fix it without replacing it. There are a few little hole things that were broke and we knew they wouldn't be able to fit them back into place. Also after they fixed it the driver side looked like it was a little lower then the other side and they said it was fine. Ya Right!


1000 Post Club
Orlando, Fl
I did the same thing to mine on a piece of rebar. The dealer was able to fix it without replacing it. They epoxy'd it back on. Cost: $220. They explicitly stated on the repair order that if it ever broke off again FOR ANY REASON, they could not repair it again the same way. It was a one time deal. So for me, I don't have a leg to stand on if it breaks off even if it just fell off just sitting there. That was my situation. Yours may be different. Check the repair order for the first fix for any warranty they may be reponsible for.
