Hey everyone!! I'm new to the board and wanted to say hello Also wanted to ask a question about my car. My sister hit a orange rubber cone somehow with my car and dragged it across a parking lot(we were at a hotel and I was in the room, don't know how this happened lol) but I noticed now that when I hit the brakes it sounds like something rubbing against them, and ALSO now when im ont he expressway there is a ticking noise..... the way it FEELS as if something is just rubbing against the wheel, or wheel well or break pads when I break, I looked underneath the car (as much as I could because it is so low ) and nothing seemed to be rubbing against the vehicle wheel well ..... but part of it was cracked- again I didn't think and orange cone could dot hat much damage but uhhhhhhh i think it happened as she dragged it across the lot. I don't really have the extra cash to take it in right now because I'm about to move so ANY advice or ideas on what it could be etc etc.... would be fabulous....Thanks so much all!!! ~BMWFitnessDiva