It appears that my therostat is not working properly. Last winter it took about 5-7 minutes for the car temp to come up to proper running temp and then it was great.
This year, it takes about 10-15 minutes for it to come up and then it runs great. But coming home from the mountains this weekend, car temp comes up it 10-15 minutes but then the long descent from Floyd Hill back into Denver and I look down and the temp gauage has moved back down towards the left to where the blue would be if the lights were not on.
Is my therostat stuck, dead or was that just a one time occurance? I have never seen this happen to any other cars that I have had. Does anyone know how much a new therostat runs?
Thanks for the advice
It appears that my therostat is not working properly. Last winter it took about 5-7 minutes for the car temp to come up to proper running temp and then it was great.
This year, it takes about 10-15 minutes for it to come up and then it runs great. But coming home from the mountains this weekend, car temp comes up it 10-15 minutes but then the long descent from Floyd Hill back into Denver and I look down and the temp gauage has moved back down towards the left to where the blue would be if the lights were not on.
Is my therostat stuck, dead or was that just a one time occurance? I have never seen this happen to any other cars that I have had. Does anyone know how much a new therostat runs?
Thanks for the advice