i was checking it out when they were doing my ipod install, and since i haven't done it myself, i'm not 100% sure. but it might be an ok start.
start off with the wood/or whatever trim from the passenger side. the tool the dealership used looked like a miniture fork w/ just 2 prongs. (be gentle or you'll damage the trim.)
to get the center storage off, you'll have to find the screw holding it in place. it is screwed in at a 45 degree angle, so you'll have ot partially close the storage door, and find it. it is right behind the hinge iirc. (use a philips head)
i can't look up the info for you right now, but you might be able to find a ipod diy faqs that describes the process. (you might need to dig around, but if you find it, share the wealth
well good luck w/ hte install guys.