Today, while I thought I would entertain my mate, so I take him and we go to the dead end in the road, and I think this is perfect. I redline and then I drop the clutch there we go round once,twice,three times then we go back the other way once,twice and back round the other way once, I now think this is enough so I bring her out of it and we take off down the road wheelspinning the car goes sideways and I think I have recovered , but no I over do it and it goes the other way, so I swing the steering wheel back and it get traction, so I slam my brakes and we go sliding into this metal barrier, so I get out and check the damage, holy shit there are no dents in the bonnet, but there are two scrapes on the bonnet about 2 1/2 inches high and thre one is about 6 inches long while the onther is only about an inch long, but in places it is down to the bare metal, my bumper is scratched and I broke both my fog lights, but down the left side of the car it is bad, badly dented fender and door. Good thing I hadn't put my new rims or my new bodykit on yet. Damn i've had some bad luck latley, first I crack my block now, I gotta get a new paint job and panelbeating but maybe now I put those aluminium body panels on my car, but the thing is it is going to sit like this for a while cause I just spent all my cash on my body kit and rims. And Im not going to put my body kit on a dented car.
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