Integrated phone questions

Northbrook, IL
New '04 330 on order with at least 1 yr of BMW assist. No Navigation system.
What kind of experiences have people had with integrating a phone? What needs to be installed? Apparently the CPT9000 (BMW phone) is a Motorola v60i. Any other phones compatible? I currently have service with Verizon and a Motorola V720 (a crappy phone because it doesn't ring loud enough). I'd probably lengthen my contract if I could get a new, compatible phone for the car. It would be really great to use those little buttons on the steering wheel to answer calls and dial through the radio buttons.
Next, what about Bluetooth?? Is the new 330 at least compatible? What extras need to be installed, if any? Any users? What carriers in Chicago?
Last, I remember some people getting calls to their BMW assist systems, suggesting that there is a phone number attached to the system. How can you get the phone number? Anyone get spanked by BMW for using the number?

Thanks for any help/solutions/stories...
Oswego, IL
When I looked into getting the integrated phone, I about choked over the cost. The dealer wanted $1500-$1800 for it. For bluetooth, the cost is $400-$500 if you do it yourself, and about $600 if you have the dealer install it. Someone mentioned on another thread somewhere though that it doesn't work on the convertibles and a fix should be available sometime in September. Bluetooth is independent of the carrier as it has nothing to do with cellular service, however, the phone itself just needs the correct chips to comunicate on your carries nettwork (eg GSM). It allows two or more electronic devices to communicate with each other wirelessly up to about 30ft.(eg your car and your phone). If you do chose bluetooth, the BMW assist module in your car must be removed.

For receiving calls through BMW assist, there is a slip of paper that you should have with your car that has a bluetooth ID number or something like that. One of the numbers on that slip of paper is supposed to be the phone number for your car. Mine simple does not have enough digits(letters) so I have never actually tried it.

Good luck and let us know what you choose!!!

I'm going with bluetooth as soon as my current contract expires (wife pending).


New Member
bay area, CA
you will get a card with your car that has the bluetooth info needed to configure a phone to operate. On it is (if you're lucky!) a line that says "MIN xxx xxx-xxxx" and that is the phone number of the BMW assist cell phone in your car
