I am quite certain that I blew the engine in my car today. Driving along, down I15, And a knock developed. I checked the oil this morning before I left, just like I do everyday (yes I actually do this every morning) and it was fine, then the knock graduated to a very sick sounding clunkity, clunk, clunk, CLANK! So I Coasted off the frewway onto the MLK offramp and onto a dirt patch under the freeway, and smoke is pouring out. So I pop the hood, get the extinguisher out of the trunk, and gently (while standing back) fling the hood open to see oil and smoke all over the engine compartment. Don't know what did it, but I don't think I am going to spend the money to get it repaired if it is something very serious (eg. blown rod, Burnt ring with cylinder damage). At least I have a reason to buy the other 318is now.