It just won't start...

Two weeks ago, after refuelling, I noticed that the fuel level indication didn't present the correct value, but still 3/4 of tank (which I had before refuelling) and not full tank. I also noticed that the needle was moving but very, very slowly. It took some 1/2 hour to raise the missing 1/4 of tank. At the same time, the indication of "how many km I can drive with the present amount of fuel" (obviously I don't know the feature's name :)) was increasing as I drove, probably as a result of the faulty fuel level measurement.
Parked the car and, two weeks later, tried to start it. It just won't start - the start motor doesn't go. The ACC makes strange noises, the dashboard blinks at start (USS Enterprise under attack- like), the headlights blink as well, etc. Tried replacing the battery but it didn't help. I suspect there is a short circuit somewhere. Or could it be computer malfunction?
Did anyone out there experience anything similar? Any hints?

2003 320i MSport package 55.000 kms old

Waldorf, MD
[thumb] Wuz up, I've done a little mechanic work on more than a few cars and it sounds as if your negative ground is bad. The signs you have provided such as the feul gauge not acting correctly as well as the lights blinking suggest strongly that your battery is not correctly grounded to your body. Which further suggests that your battery is not charging your alternator therefore your charging system isn't completing it's power cycle. Is your car starter turning over at all, do your lights work and does your gas gauge read correctly. You need to check your electric system starting with the negative ground cables to the automobile body. Inshort check your battery cables for breaks and or lose connections. Good hunting and Happy Motoring...
