Just picked up my 325CIC. It's my third BMW and I love it. It was an order. I placed the order in July 03 and arrived at the dealer on Nov 26th. I didn't get my so called "Estimate Delivery Date" till my dealer called and told me that the car has arrvied. The date provided at OC is slow (3 - 4 business days behind) but accurate for me.
To be honest with you, I don't think I would order (Order or ED) another BMW, the wait is just pure horrible and S-L-O-W. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about BMW or my dealer. Time just goes by so slowly. OMG, my brother almost have to tie me down when I find out my car is at the VPC, almost drove the sales person crazy. Very rewarding when you drove up to the dealership and see your car all clean in front of the lot.
I want to thanks everybody here. Great forum. I got most of my question answer here.
Now I have to update my pinto picture and fix my rattling problem. .
To be honest with you, I don't think I would order (Order or ED) another BMW, the wait is just pure horrible and S-L-O-W. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about BMW or my dealer. Time just goes by so slowly. OMG, my brother almost have to tie me down when I find out my car is at the VPC, almost drove the sales person crazy. Very rewarding when you drove up to the dealership and see your car all clean in front of the lot.
I want to thanks everybody here. Great forum. I got most of my question answer here.
Now I have to update my pinto picture and fix my rattling problem. .