MACO is a fee charged by BMWNA to dealers for regional advertising. Not all dealers have to pay BMWNA this fee--it all depends on what market they are in. The way advertising works in the car business is like this: BMWNA is responsible for the brand image in the USA. They hire an ad agency to do a bunch of TV, print, and other media to promote the BMW brand. Where those ads run is determined by a media buy. So...let's say you live in Salt Lake City, UT, and BMWNA decides to run a bunch of ads that show up on your local TV stations and newspapers. If your local dealer had to run this advertising, they would never be able to afford it. However, because the ads run in that market, all regional dealers stand to benefit from the additional awareness and foot traffic in the showrooms as a result of said advertising. MACO is simply a kind of pro-rated fee that the dealer pays to BMWNA for the cost of the media buy for that particular market. Obviously, if you are in a market where there have been no ads, then there is no MACO. Dealers can also choose to waive MACO for you, but if they do then they are eating it, as BMWNA will not waive it for them.