Traditional financing is absolutely the worst way to buy a car. On the other hand, leasing is the only way to buy a new car.
1. The actual cost of financing is cheaper on a lease: shorter term, lower cost.
2. The actual payments can be smaller and offer more certainty that the vehicle will not be in a negative value situation in 2-3 years like most conventional financing.
3. There is not a leasing company on the planet that wants the car back. I had a truck through Key Bank and they did everything in their power to get me to buy the thing out, including low interest buyout financing and taking a few thousand off the buyout price.
4. Lease-end financing almost guarantees great financing at the end should you want to actually purchase the car.
5. If a car is totaled within the first couple of years, the conventional finance buyer could be liable for thousands between the market value of the car and the loan payoff of the car. A lease through a reputable company involves just walking away with no further financial damages.
And just a side note, my car has a KBB value of between $30,000-34,000, trade-in to retail. A 2004 ZHP has a KBB value between $31,400-35,000 with the same mileage.
These ZHP resale values suck!!!! My car was like $42,900 new!!!!
So should I decide to buy my car at the end, I start will an offer of about $5,000 under residual and probably settle at about $2,500. Someone that made a purchase on the same car probably paid more in payment and will also likely pay more again should they decide to trade the car after a few years because of the value drop.