I got my first integrated Nav when I picked up my Volvo S60 in Sweden.
At the time, I justified the cost as a marraige saver (no agruments about what foreign language signs say and who got who lost).
Not only was it all I expected while in Europe (I put 2200 miles on my car on that trip... even took the Chunnel to England and drove on the wrong side of the road!), it continued to add siginificant value back in the States.
When I'm going somwhere I don't know, I don't need directions, or mapquest... I simply enter the address into the Nav and away I go. I find it siginicantly safer then constantly refering to "chicken-scratch" directions, or trying to check out a Thomas Guide while driving.
I also enjoy just "going". I bought my Volvo (and now my BMW) because I love to drive. Being able to turn down back roads and enjoy exploring without fear of getting lost is a lot of fun, and worth the money (IMHO).
Nav also help tremendously when you venture out on a road trip. 'nuff said there
I personally think that Nav also helps sell your car down the road. I got Nav in 2001 with the Volvo and thought of it as an expensive marraige saver. Now I can't live without it. I find I use it almost daily for some little thing, and it saves me alot of time. I wouldn't consider a car without it anymore. It's as important to me as integrated phone or airbags.
- matthewk