I'm new to the whole BMW thing and didn't understand that my car had the M42 engine. I've looked the engine over and have determined that my crankshaft has been ground too far, leaving it with too much end play. The head the came off the car is also badly cracked. I think that I'm going to weld the crankshaft myself and bring it to a machinest to have it turned and straightened. I have found another head that has been re-manufactured. It comes with new cams valves and the whole shooting match. The block specs out great and I should be able to just hone and re-ring with out any trouble at all.
Besides gaskets, are there any other parts that I should watch out for? What brands are good, and what are the oem's made by BMW or by a different company? Can I find upholstery for this car some where?
Thanks for the help.