knux said:
I must be doing something wrong...
I can enter the city and street name, but there is no place to sepcify the house number or intersection (when you try to enter an address in the address book). When you retrieve the address, you can then input a house #.....maybe something is wrong with mine.
No, nothing is wrong with yours. The instructions just don't tell you how to do it, because the software is written wrong to handle easy entry of the number in the record. This is how you do it:
1. Go to "Input Destination" as if you are going to input an address.
2. Input the address including street number.
3. Select "Address Book" on the menu.
4. Enter a name if desired.
5. Select "Enter" and press the knob.
I think using a similar trick (retrieve, enter number, address book, enter????) you can add the number to an existing address entry also. Play with it some and you will figure that out too.