BMW has a low-mileage oil change also .Thats every year regardless of mileage , for those people who dont drive as much . So your warranty will be oil change every 12mths and/or 15,ooo miles. since most of us find that alittle long between changes so we pay for one or two in between. you only use synthetic oil in your bimmer so you can go 7500m.
On another note isn't funny that the oil company has us soo brainwashed in believing you must change your oil every 3months/3k. I personally think that their marketing depts. have done a great job for the bottom line of these oil company's. Some will say that after 3k "dino" oil has significant breakdown. I question who's doing the testing and what's their opinion of significant..are these guys in the lab coats getting paid by the oil companies ? probably.
I mean come on , they have so many diff. oils out there ., high mileage , truck oil, 4X4 oil , new care oil , heavy traffic oil, oil for white cars only , oil for cars driven on saturdays..well you get my point ...I mean come on [slap] Its a conspiracy . a C, O, N, spiracy...
hope I didn't get too far off of the thread but my advice is do your homework and make educated decisions..