Pics of Euro Delivery - whoo hooo!

Azores, Portugal
Euro Delivery

**should be working now**

Okay, still new at this forum thing and especially posting the pics but the help board helped a lot. Sorry if the pics are big, but they should be pretty cool. I cut down the resolution and size to help.... special thanks to Kirby for psyching me up for the trip and giving the ol' heads up.... thanks bro!

Picked up a rental, brand new Renault Megaine? 200 miles on it... guy said "please take it easy on the car" I said... "o.k."

After a few nights in Munich and sampling the local pubs we had to find the factory Monday morning.. the signs are killer, good thing I bought the wife to navigate.

Finally the factory, quick peek around, then they called our names.... then we got to go through the magical sliding glass doors and ......there she was...

It is the wifes car and she got to drive it out of the factory delivery room and for about the next 30 miles. Then it was time for me to get in the seat. I drove it for the next 1900 miles. Just couldn't let go of the steering wheel. Then we tooled down the two lane roads through some small towns, ate chinese (imagine that), and checked out some little shops. This is the next special moment we shared... it's the welcome to their highway system....

Once on the highway we quickly left Germany and went through Austria first.

Then was Italy and France (along the coast) where we saw these pissers on the side of the road... I think it was 1 euro to get the door open, they were spot-less inside.

Then we headed into Spain and ended up staying about 3 days in this touristy stip along the mediterrean sea.

After we left this strip and headed into mainland Spain, the odometer rolled over 1200 miles, you know what that means boys and girls... no more driving 100 mph... no more watching the 4000 rpm mark.... it means "hammer time"

Oh yeah, steady as a rock, rollin' on rails... we made up some time..... and went through some gas... one tank we emptied in around one hour twenty minutes. Next thing you know we hit the Rock of Gilbrata

Then into Portugal and dropped the car off at the Port in Lisbon. Arrived to our home in 4 days. I have many more pics and stories but this thread is getting way too long. If you have any questions, please PM me and I will provide all the details.

Thanks for letting me share my story with everyone.
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Lincoln, CA
ooh, that looks fun. Just curious, do you live in Portugal? I mean, if I did, I woulda just driven the whole way home instead of dropping it off at a port in the same country where it will get damaged just for a short little boat ride.
Azores, Portugal
Thanks everyone, the car is great. What helped so much was this board. I learned so much before I ever left the house to go pick it up [thumb] hats off to everyone... you made the trip such a success for us.

Now I think I need to answer a few questions (a little more insight on this trip is justified)

I'm in the air force stationed in the Azorean Island chain, 9 islands about 1000 miles from Portugal and 2000 miles from New York. Did you see the Presidental Summit in Spring 03? It was held here.

It took us 7 months of research to pull this BMW deal off... It was crazy... let me see if I can sum it up..

1. We qualify to purchase a BMW through AAFES (Army Air Force Exchange Service) New Car Sales progam because we are stationed overseas for a certain amount of time. First problem there was no dealer on this island. Had to convince an European New Car Sales (NCS) office to work with us on the logistics of the transaction from here. 11 european Dealers were contacted, only one said lets give it a shot and he was in Spain.

2. NCS dealers/offices want you to take delivery in the states. They process the paperwork at the pre-set price, then do the delivery to any dealership you want (in the U.S.). We are not scheduled to leave here until summer 04. We wanted to bring the car here before we left. Any car registered outside the states for 90 days is tax exempt when returning from the states (at least thats what I've been told by DMV, we'll see how that story holds up in July).

3. Setting up the shipping from mainland europe to our little island was the next challenge. Anyone could pay for a container (40ft) to ship anything here from Lisbon for about $2000. That would cut into our price break on the car so we had to set up a 20 ft container and the paperwork for about $590 (euro) much more affordable. The shipping container folks are not responsible any damage beyone their control so that brought up the next challenge.. insurance for the driving in europe and the shipping part.

4. The only two insurance companies in the world that will touch you are USAA (who wouldn't touch me because of my prior vette days) and Geico who would insure my dead uncle for enough money. Next problem was they were not going to insure a car for a place where I don't reside (mainland europe vs. azores).... additional policy required. The shipping thing? additional policy required. ONLY good thing was the driving policy in Europe was a 30 day policy for about $120... the shipping policy (full replacement of the car if it sank, $90)... still good deals.

5. Euro-Delivery.... only minor convincing required. Normal policy is to pick up car, drive around for up to 30 days, then drop at pre-determined BMW port for shipping back to BMW dealer in the states.... not us... we had own shipping arranged. Once they could NOT find it in the rule book, they (BMW) o.k.'d it.

6. Then throw in the immagrations($50), customs ($100), port authorities at both ends ($75). Add in translators ($20 X 2), truck/crane to take the container from the port here to a parking lot outside the port area (can't unload container within 100 yds of port) for about $40, police escort trying to locate the port in Lisbon (free) because we flew in off the highway into a parking lot (last exit before L O N G bridge)... that was priceless... pics are being developed.. looked like CHiPs flashbacks...

okay, enough on this long wind. sorry. just wanted to share the logistical nightmare from hell..that I would do again for the car. [driving]

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Mo town
wow, that was a long read! phew.. congratz, and i'm glad you got the pics back in workign order.. at least i wasn't being a baby and calling out the rexes!! ahem.. jk ^^

ever since i read about the euro del program back in HS, i always wanted my bmw delivered that way. well i ended up getting into a bimmer way ahead of schedule, so my next one, hopefully a m3 or a *gasp m5 [hihi] in like 10 years.. will def be picked up and will be ripping up the bahn!! or so goes my lil dream [:)]
Henderson, NV
"That's got 2 be the best E/D story I've heard."


I think you qualify for the 'BMW ~ Man of the Year, '03' award... [thumb]

Thanks for taking the time, Krafty, to share that experience...

I was all set to do the Euro. Del. (E/D) this month. I did my research on the Edmunds site
for BMW E/D's... For anyone wanting to, or in the process of taking a E/D on a BMW needs
to go to that site... [then search] BMW Euro. Del.

Anyway, I wanted to take del. in Munich, then head into No. Italy. I was told the winter weather could be a factor crossing the Alps. So to make a long story short I nixed the trip.

The good news is, I'll take del. [in Vegas, baby] on Dec. 29th, of an '04 Gray, ZHP... WOO~WOO. [driving2]

[^] "Happy Motoring"
Azores, Portugal
Kirby, we know how to keep the wives happy, eh? Our car was parked directly accross from where yours was.... you got to see the a$$ end first, right? how cool is that ! !

Paddy LV, SMART choice bro' there was already snow on the ground a few mornings through southern germany and austria (just on the grass, didn't stick to the road). And that was around the 10th of November, can you imagine in Dec/Jan? If it helps paint a picture, there road signs are about 15 feet in the air (through the mountain passes).

