Power windows & locks acting haywire. Help?

Denver, CO
I drive a 1994 325is.

This all started a couple weeks ago. My boyfriend was driving and some dumb@ss lady cut us off and he had to slam on the brakes. A few minutes later we got to our destination and the car would not lock. It is not a remote lock, so you have to stick the key in and turn. Usually, the power locks will lock the whole car. However, 1 second after the car locked it un-locked itself. After opening & closing the door a few times and messing with the car, it finally locked. It had done this a few times before, so I wasn't very concerned.

Ever since that night, the entire electrical system has been malfunctioning and getting worse every day. The dome light does not shut off when I get out of the car. I manually shut it off quite some time ago because I was tired of dealing with it. Both the front windows are having serious issues. You know how they slightly roll down when you open the door and roll back up when you close the door? The door will not be open and the passenger window more times than the driver's side, will just start to roll up & down very quickly until I roll it down about an inch so it's not in that "zone" where the car thinks the door is open / close. The driver's side window will just randomly go down & up that same small amount once in a while. Usually this starts once I put my foot on the brake when I first start the car, right before I put it in to gear and starts again when I get on the highway.

Last night my boyfriend & I went out and when we got in the car, the passenger window started acting completely nuts and I hadn't even put the key in the ignition yet. The locks continue to get worse. The power locks don't even work from the passenger side anymore. I was locking it from that side since the driver's side was giving me so many problems. It now takes multiple attempts to get my car to stay locked EVERY time I try to lock it. Usually requiring me to open & shut the door several times before it will. Also, once we got home last night and got out of the car, the passenger window started to act nuts again and again, keys not even in the ignition.

The driver's side brake light keeps failing (it's not the bulb & my computer keeps saying 1 brake light fail) & the check engine light & ABS light keep coming on.

Suggestions? I really hope this is a simple fix.
Seattle, WA
Hi Jazzmin,
I was having a real similar issue with my 93 325is where the windows just stopped working all together. Actually it was just the driver's side window acting funky. I also had the problem with the dome light not working the same time the window started acting up. Try changing the fuse for the windows, your book will tell you which slot the fuse is in. I changed the fuse and thought we were good to go until I rolled down the window, the fuse would blow and the window was stuck in that position.

My hubby ended up taking off the door panel on the driver's side to see what was going on with the wiring for the window. It had been rubbing on the metal bar of the door so it was down to wire hitting metal, blowing the fuse. He re-wrapped the wire where it was bare with electrical tape and that fixed the problem. So try changing the fuse first and see if it temporarily fixes the problems as that is a simple (and cheap) way to see if that is what's going on. Good luck!
Denver, CO
Thank you Lori! I'll check it out. The door panels are falling off anyway so this should be easy ;)

My Dad had me disconnect the battery for a few hours to re-set the computer and for about 30 minutes, I thought it had worked. The problem has not been nearly as bad since then but it still exists.
