The saga continues.............the dealership states today that I will have to wait until September 24th for the BMW representative to be in town for him to approve replacing the wheels. They feel the wheels are defective and only responsible for one of the wheels due to hitting the curb. They feel the scratches from removing the tires from the wheels with the proper tools is due to faulty wheels. Also stated they will not take wheels from another car and put on mine that BMW will take the problem more seriously if a customer is actually attached to the wheels............and if my wheels are a part of the cause of vibration they do not want to put on another car and that customer come back after two weeks with vibration problems. I stated, yes let's make sure the imaginary customer who hasnt even bought the car yet does not have any problems. My salesman is now getting involved with the General Manager...........
I asked, when is my car going to be the ULTIMATE DRIVING MACHINE.
I asked, when am I going to have the ULTIMATE DRIVING EXPERIENCE.
Thanks MrElussive and Big Daddy for the help.........I'm going to look on the internet and see if I can find a site that reports Style 72 problems.....