Re: Power Steering fault - Perished Hose??

Re: Power Steering fault - Perished Hose??

Hi people,

think I have at last found the fault!! I am pretty sure now that the hoses are perished, or one of the seals on the bolts has gone as I was working on the car and inspecting it for leakage from the rack.

I found that some liquid (Which I am sure is PAS Fluid) has leaked onto the engine block and over a period of about 10 minuites of having the car, and after turning the wheel from side to side there is a small amount of smoke coming from underneath the manifold right where the Valve body housing is (well the box with the hoses! dont know if thats the right name!
Which leads me to beleive it may be a hose afterall.....I also squeezed the rubber boots and it appears that there is little or no fluid inside???!!!

Cheers (Again!!)
