OK, I'm a little antsy. After spending some 800 miles behind the wheel in Germany, I'm ready to do it again Stateside.
I know the Owner's Circle is increadibly inaccurate. Some of you all have posted links to the actual shippin itinerary for the ships. I can't find it for some reason, can anyone help???
Also, I looked at my toolkit before I left. It appears that there is a tool missing. If you open the kit...what goes in the topmost position. It looked like it had a long handle.
Many thanks!
I know the Owner's Circle is increadibly inaccurate. Some of you all have posted links to the actual shippin itinerary for the ships. I can't find it for some reason, can anyone help???
Also, I looked at my toolkit before I left. It appears that there is a tool missing. If you open the kit...what goes in the topmost position. It looked like it had a long handle.
Many thanks!