Here's a picture of the antenna on the trunk and a picture of the inside of the trunk. It looks like the Sirius antenna wire goes to the right side to the plastic tubing holding other wires. From there, I have no idea where it goes. I do know that when they were trying to initialize the radio and had it in front of the showroom under a concrete canopy that, even though the preview channel (184) came in, the process didn't work. They moved the car outside and it still didn't seem to be working. Apparently the radio had to be turned off and back on. It still didn't work and I was told that the car I just paid for would need to be looked at for a few hours. You can imagine my happiness. However, when the SA moved the car, it suddenly worked. Can't figure that out, but it may help you if you do it yourself. Used the Sirius today and I love the variety. I printed out the channel guide from the website and after folding it in half decided that I would have it laminated to keep in the side pocket for reference. Hope this helps......