Well I didn't know where to post this, so I guess I'll stick it here 
Flew into SF around 10 o’clock from Dallas, Lenny my salesmen picked me up in the car... oh so sexy when I laid eyes on it in person[:X] So I tried out my stick skills, lil rusty but kicked it off pretty quick. Showed me how to work the manual convertible top(the only downer in my eyes) and other things.
We ate sushi for lunch together then I was off on US1, my mapquest laid out highway 5, but Lenny told me that US1 was the scenic route so thats what I took.
Omg it was beautiful! Wish the weather was a bit better, but still I had the pacific ocean, beach and cliffs on my right... mountains and on coming traffic on my left.
It was all curves too for hours and hours, so I said to myself ok lets try out the "ultimate driving machine" So I started taking the corners hard and it was fun and got funner the faster I took em.
Just hugged the road and stayed in the lines perfect. All the curves were 35mph and now I was doing 80-85 on them! Tried not to brake too much, but when I did the Stabilization thingy kicked in, I don't recall the right name for it, but its the little icon thingy with the circle or triangle warning thingy... took control of my brakes for a second kinda pumping back at me. Actually that happened a few times heh, but I stayed completely in control and on my side of the 2 lane road.
I swear I never thought one could get high off driving, but I sure as hell did! Was a total new experience for me(former rusty Maxima, Nissan pickup, Camry driver)... I wanted more curves more! hehe every now and then some nice people would pull over to the side and let me go
this one curve got an gallon of adrenaline pumping though, I can't remember the speed limit, but it was a pretty sharp curve, nothing but cliffs on the right side and the mountain completely covered my view of the on coming traffic in the left lane. Anyways I was trying to out do myself so was trying to push 90+ on it. I hit the curve and all of a sudden a semi Blares across on the other lane, like popped out of no where. I stayed as before completely in my lane didn't cross over or... fall off the cliff heh. But man my eyes could see clearer, nose breath deeper and heart pumped faster after that one.
It started to get a little dark so I said to myself I need to clam down so I found a slow van to pace myself behind the rest of the way 0_o
I tried to make it to Santa Monica or LA by the end of the day, but I was just too tired about 200 miles from LA so I stopped at San something Obispo. I asked around for the biggest hotel and found the Madonna Inn which was a pretty cool place to spend the night.
The next morning I took the top down to enjoy the sunny morning
and suffer the cold winter breeze >;( I hit LA and that’s when the trip's fun slowed down
I tried to get onto highway 10 back to Texas and oh was traffic crawling in LA! Stick didn't help in that situation either.
I finally got on 10 and headed out on my way to Phoenix, I didn't use the cruise control till then. I stayed the night in Phoenix with a friend and woke up the next morning to news Saddam was captured! heh
Well anyways the rest of the trip Phoenix to El Paso and El Paso back to Dallas SUCKED heh boring as heck and tiresome, I thought I'd never get back, but I'm here
hehe first thing I did when I got back was wash my car. I was so exhausted my right hand kept shaking for some reason.
oh I almost forgot how bad TX drivers are... all these hondas were riding my ass and skimming so close to me arghz
It didn't bother me too much back in my Camry days, but I guess I am more protective now...
Anyways folks 1 proud new owner
![Wave [wave] [wave]](/images/smilies/icon_smile_wave.gif)

Flew into SF around 10 o’clock from Dallas, Lenny my salesmen picked me up in the car... oh so sexy when I laid eyes on it in person[:X] So I tried out my stick skills, lil rusty but kicked it off pretty quick. Showed me how to work the manual convertible top(the only downer in my eyes) and other things.
We ate sushi for lunch together then I was off on US1, my mapquest laid out highway 5, but Lenny told me that US1 was the scenic route so thats what I took.
Omg it was beautiful! Wish the weather was a bit better, but still I had the pacific ocean, beach and cliffs on my right... mountains and on coming traffic on my left.

It was all curves too for hours and hours, so I said to myself ok lets try out the "ultimate driving machine" So I started taking the corners hard and it was fun and got funner the faster I took em.
![Driving [driving] [driving]](/images/smilies/icon_smile_driving.gif)

I swear I never thought one could get high off driving, but I sure as hell did! Was a total new experience for me(former rusty Maxima, Nissan pickup, Camry driver)... I wanted more curves more! hehe every now and then some nice people would pull over to the side and let me go

It started to get a little dark so I said to myself I need to clam down so I found a slow van to pace myself behind the rest of the way 0_o
I tried to make it to Santa Monica or LA by the end of the day, but I was just too tired about 200 miles from LA so I stopped at San something Obispo. I asked around for the biggest hotel and found the Madonna Inn which was a pretty cool place to spend the night.
The next morning I took the top down to enjoy the sunny morning
![Frown [:(] [:(]](/images/smilies/frown.png)
I finally got on 10 and headed out on my way to Phoenix, I didn't use the cruise control till then. I stayed the night in Phoenix with a friend and woke up the next morning to news Saddam was captured! heh
Well anyways the rest of the trip Phoenix to El Paso and El Paso back to Dallas SUCKED heh boring as heck and tiresome, I thought I'd never get back, but I'm here
oh I almost forgot how bad TX drivers are... all these hondas were riding my ass and skimming so close to me arghz
![Mad [mad] [mad]](/images/smilies/mad.png)
Anyways folks 1 proud new owner
![Wave [wave] [wave]](/images/smilies/icon_smile_wave.gif)
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