Today after the car sat for overnight I started it up and the dash car symbol is lit and there is a little red headlight symbol on the right front of the car symbol on the dash. It appears to be the one that tells you if a lightbulb is burned out, thing is I tested the fogs and the regular and highbeams and they were working fine. Then after I drove off and put the right signal on to make a turn the turn signal "clicked"and flashed maybe 10 times the normal rate for a second or two and then resumed its normal "tick-tack and flash" and the "light-burned-out-car symbol went away" so I tried the other one and it did the same exact thing only for a second less and also worked normally there after. I tried the right again and it operated just fine. That symbol came on for the third time now, but it never affected the turn signal timing..... Anyone have any idea what the heck is wrong? [???1]
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