This may qualify as the proverbial dumb question however, I for one, do not care... I was taught that the only dumb question is the one un-asked... I have been conditioned into getting my tires rotated everytime I get my oil changed... I've been thinking about this and would like to pontificate here for just a moment... I pay about $50.00 dollars everytime I get my tires rotated and I get them rotated every 5,000 miles, therefore I am spending, yes you guessed it ; ding, ding, ding... $600.00 for every 60,000 miles I'm getting on my tires. Yes I get around 60,000 miles on a set of tires, I do alot of highway driving. I have 144,000 miles on my bimmer. My other quandry is that I pay about $90.00 dollars for a four wheel alignment to keep my tires wear pattern in line. To me I should stop getting my tires rotated and spend a little more money on the four wheel alignment. A set of tires is less than $600.00 dollars. My last set of Ultra-High Proformance tires cost $480.00 dollars. I'm just trying to figure out if someone, anyone thinks I'm throwing money away anywhere? I've tried to look at this thing from several different angles and I keep coming up with the fact that I'm paying more in tire rotation cost than for the actual tires themselves. Lastly, I'm a big boy I can tandle the hruth. Happy Motoring...[driving2]