tires on my 330ci


New Member
Columbus, OH
I just upgraded to a 2003 330ci from a '99 328 ci. Upgraded in the summer and loved my decision to replace my wonderful '99. But, then, the nasty winter weather hit the midwest! I had very little trouble with my other bmw but this car is a monster. The slightest bit of snow sends me spinning! I really am afraid of the car! I actually made my husband come to my work and switch cars with me today. OK, experts, what do I do? Replace the tires? But then do I have to replace the wheels, too? I'm beginning to regret selling my 328! Thanks!
It's hard to imagine that a '99 328ci would out handle a '03 330ci. In fact the newer model should be a hell of a lot more stable, all things being equal. If your old car felt more stable under the same conditions then there may be two factors.

It certainly could be down to differences in tires (do the two cars have the same tires?). If both cars have the same tires, then the only other thing I can think of is that you may have a faulty traction control/stability system, in which case I'd get it checked out.
Kapolei , Hawaii
you can do a thread search on this board for snow tires . Living in hawaii I'm no expert about snow or how to drive in it [:D] but I've read alot of topics about them and the tires can make awhole lotta difference. Godd luck tplsbmw..stay warm ..[wave]
Long Island - NY
It's all about the tires! Your driving on summer tires with the 330, your 328 probably had all seasons. The summer tires MUST be replaced if you are to survive an Ohio winter (especially this one). There are lots of good winter tires out there, Blizzaks, Dunlops, and Michelin Arctic Alpins to name the most popular. You can use your current wheels, I've done so without any problems, although some sincere folks will argue otherwise. The most important thing is to get 4 good quality winter tires. It's a safety thing [idea] [thumb]


New Member
Columbus, OH
Thanks, everyone, for the input! Looks like I'm going to have to buy a winter car or buy some winter tires. Hopefully spring will be here soon and I won't have to think about it for a few months. At least now I will be able to walk into a tire store with some good information. Come on summer........I'm ready to put the top down on my topless bmw!
Wake Forest, NC
First thing is ease off the gas. The 330 has a lot (40) more hp than your 328. Getting a good set of winter tires that fit on the rims you have is a good idea. I just got a set of Toyo tires for my 330i and drove through snow without any trouble. Don't get me wrong it no 4x4 Hummer but it get me around in the snow. Now if you give it too much gas it will spin (Funny!)
As mentioned above, winter tires will make a WORLD of difference. I'm sure that's all your problem is, especially if you have the sport package wheels/tires. Before getting a new set of tires, though, you might consider getting a new set of tires AND rims. Not only will you save your stock rims from salt/sand/pothole damage, you might get better snow performance and may even save money. You'll also be able to put them on and off yourself (if you're so inclined) and spare your summer tires from the stress and potential damage of repeatedly taking them on and off.

If you have the sport package, winter tires will be very expensive for the bigger and wider rims. A wider tire will also not "cut through" the snow as well, and a lower profile tire will not be able to absorb the impact of a pothole as well as a higher profile tire. I ordered a set of alloy rims and winter tires from TireRack for a total of about $1K. While 16" rims generally do not fit over the larger callipers of a 330i or ci, they have a rim that does. Some people get steel rims for winter use (generally less expensive and stronger than alloy), but 17" steel rims and tires ended up to be even more expensive than my 16" set (which also looks a lot better!)
Mo town
good luck finding snows.. esp in 17 inchers. i was in the market recently and actually ordered the tires and the rims, but it turned out they goofed on their end and misstagged the tire and sent me the wrong kind. and then they told me that ones that m3s are out of stock everywhere, thanks to the big snow storms! so i balked out on the deal, and i'm still stuck w/ my summers..

anyway, my best advice would be to limp by this winter.. (unless you can find a set of rims/ tires for a good price, which will be hard) and shop early for next winter, like around oct. buying 16 inch rims will save you a bunch on the tires, as 17 inch snows are quite expensive. one cavet to this is the fact there there is only one 16 inch rim that will fit your 330i, which is AT italia type 5 rims. ugly if you ask me, but i'm thinking of getting em for next winter. (going w/ 16s would save me around $300 per winter tire set) seems to be the only place that carrys them, and are currently out of stock until end of feb. it's 139 per + shipping.

xmas63 is absolute right. get the wheel/ tire combo as mounting/dismounting costs over the life of your first winter tire set will probably equal if not cost more than getting a dedicated winter rims. besides you dont' want to mess up your nice rims in the winter, not to mention possible damage during the mounting/dismounting process.

and finally DON'T regret trading up. it's only a tire issue, i can promise you that [:D] in the mean time, enjoy making doughnuts in the parking lot.. just don't try to drive it home afterwards [:p]
