To Car_54 and All Those Who Insist That Tranny Replacement is the Only Fix ...

New York
What do you think of this, from today ... located at


Okay - My dealer despite my insistence in providing a replacement tranny as outlined in the TSB, applied the repair kit to the transmission, which I was told could only be done by a certain BMW technician and not the BMW center itself. The fix, so far, has seemed to work okay. I've only had the car back for about 4 days, but I cannot notice the original problem. Seems odd to me that the 2/04 TSB doesn't mention the repair kit as an option to fix the isssue. What's up with BMW and their inability to consistently apply their standards throughout the BMW network. I would expect more from a luxury brand!


And before you start to make accusations, I did not manufacture this and write it. Ask the forum owners/moderators at who bschoenbaum in Monrovia, CA is.

And also ... I will be the first one to agree that if this truly is an alternative fix ... that BMW has not documented it publicly as such, and that they should have. But that aside, this is bonafide evidence (along with others who have posted to this board) that there is an alternative fix.

