My '01 330Ci with a manual makes a clunk as I move through the gears. It's most noticible when stopped w/o my foot on the brake. With clutch in, while sliding into first there is a muffled "clunk" from the rear.
She only has 43,000 miles. . .but it's almost as if there's play in the differential. Anyone else have similar issues? Or know what else it could be?
Fortunately, she's still under warranty for another 7K. I was at the dealer for an oil change last weekend and had them look at it. They couldn't find anything and couldn't hear the clunk. . .but it's on the record now should something manifest itself later.
She only has 43,000 miles. . .but it's almost as if there's play in the differential. Anyone else have similar issues? Or know what else it could be?
Fortunately, she's still under warranty for another 7K. I was at the dealer for an oil change last weekend and had them look at it. They couldn't find anything and couldn't hear the clunk. . .but it's on the record now should something manifest itself later.