Updates on Bluetooth / Phone options

Rochester Hills, Michigan
Hi all! has anyone heard of any news about bluetooth being available on the 04 325i with BMW assist yet? I am dying to use the radio steering wheel options with my cell phone. Last word I got from BMW was that they still had no idea on a fix for getting it to work with the assist. I am more than willing to pull the assist out as I will never pony up $250.00 per year for tow truck service.



New Member
It is my understanding, please someone correct me if I'm wrong , that BMW is making a new module that will work with assist and Bluetooth. However, as for now you have to choose one or the other... If you want to forget about the assist option and use your phone go to the dealer and get the bluetooth ID number for your car.. Your '04 should already be equiped. You may actually have to remove the assist module but on that score I'm not sure.. Once you have the number follow the directions for your phone and you should be all good..
Upstate NY
Yes and No

I have made a lot of phone calls regarding bluetooth to my dealer and this is what they are telling me.

Correct - you can not have both at this time. Late 04, but more than likely 05 until both modules will work as one.

I have a 2004, 325I with BMW assist - and my car has been pre- installed with bluetooth. Here is the rub - pre-installed means just the tech/some wiring (BMW assist) nd you still need to purchase the bluetoth module and have that installed. The quote my dealer is giving me is about $700.00 for the unit and installation. I have talked to others and this seems to be the normal price range for this upgrade. Its an "upgrade" thats the part that gets me. When you buy the car they make it sound like all you do is buy a bluetooth enabled phone and your ready to start making calls. They even provide you with a blutooth telephone/code number.....very misleading

Thats what I have learned....hope it helps
Orlando, FL
That sucks! Very annoying! -- All the pre-wiring they do -- just to tease you ...then they charge hundreds "for the action" of just connecting the harnesses to the modules --milking you for every dime. Many of the features we pay so much extra for are standard on the Acura TL.
But, I know the ACURA TL is no BMW!
Rochester Hills, Michigan
I agree with you guys! I waited many years to finally get a BMW and I am very dissapoined in many respects. Why even offer these half baked options in a performance car? Put them in when they work! My salesperson never explained any of the avilable options whice frankly are so over priced I would have had to add them into the lease. $800.00 for a cheap 6 disc CD changer $1400.00 for a $200 motorola phone $700.00 for a 59.00 bluetooth adaptor - the list goes on... I almost ordered a CD changer but decided to stockpile cash to fund brakedust cleaner account! other than that I love my car!!


Active Member
jcrosi said:
I have made a lot of phone calls regarding bluetooth to my dealer and this is what they are telling me.

Correct - you can not have both at this time. Late 04, but more than likely 05 until both modules will work as one.

I have a 2004, 325I with BMW assist - and my car has been pre- installed with bluetooth. Here is the rub - pre-installed means just the tech/some wiring (BMW assist) nd you still need to purchase the bluetoth module and have that installed. The quote my dealer is giving me is about $700.00 for the unit and installation. I have talked to others and this seems to be the normal price range for this upgrade. Its an "upgrade" thats the part that gets me. When you buy the car they make it sound like all you do is buy a bluetooth enabled phone and your ready to start making calls. They even provide you with a blutooth telephone/code number.....very misleading

Thats what I have learned....hope it helps
Same results I have had. I plan on waiting till next summer, then I will get the Verizon and Bluetooth all in one swoop. In my area Verizon has the best and clearest reception & Motorolla makes great cell phones.
San Fernando Valley, So. CA
"I almost ordered a CD changer but decided to stockpile cash to fund brakedust cleaner account! other than that I love my car!!" -craigsbmw

:) That is hilarious. We should open a joint account for our brakedust cleaning efforts!! Too true my man, too true!

I have called BMWNA at least 3 times in regards to Bluetooth. I bought a Motorola Bluetooth phone for my 330cic (I even got a Bluetooth number card when I got my car...do ya'll have that too?) BMWNA said they hope in August, then September, then Novemeber....to have an upgrade. Blah, blah, blah....
Northbrook, IL
What is a bluetooth number/card?
I thought that there is some card that you get with BMW assist that has the cell phone number for you car on it, so theoretically you can receive calls. I asked when I took delivery and the salesman said I'd get something in the mail; to date I've got nothing.

I saw the new Verizon Bluetooth phone the other day; I'm eligible for a new phone next month and am thinking about it. Funny, I asked last month about Bluetooth at the Verizon store and they had no idea when they'd get something--are they really kept that much in the dark or do they just want to move what they have????
