If I go to each country's web site and build your vehicle, there is a huge price difference between US and Canadian companies. After the exchange rate, there is about CAD$7K difference on a 3 Series. On either an X3 or an X5, there is a CAD$13K difference!
Reasonably loaded up with the same options, a US X5 is about CAD$57K and the same config on the Canadian site is CAD$70K.
What's up with this company? If I could buy an X5 for $13K less, I'd buy one today.
It makes me want to tell them to keep their product, and go buy a Jeep.
Reasonably loaded up with the same options, a US X5 is about CAD$57K and the same config on the Canadian site is CAD$70K.
What's up with this company? If I could buy an X5 for $13K less, I'd buy one today.
It makes me want to tell them to keep their product, and go buy a Jeep.