What are the BEST Cop / Radar Detectors...

Walnut Creek, CA
[wave] I'm in the market for a radar detector and need some advice? What advice can you guys offer...?

Are they even worth while products to buy, are they really useful if they go off when they shouldn't or go off when the cop is clocking you and its too later...??

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Detroit, MI
Can't go wrong with a Valentine-1, Bell, or Escort 8500. I've owned Bells and have been extremely satisfied with their reliability & sensativity.

Most will say the V1 has no competition, but that comes at a cost of $399.

No radar can warn you about lidar. They'll all let you know WHEN you are getting clocked, but that's no help. For lidar defense it's gonna cost almost $1500. See http://www.escortradar.com/srx.htm

EDIT: Oh yeah, run away from any product that contains the words "Rocky" and "Mountain" [hihi]
I have an Escort 8500 and I'm not too pleased with it,
I would buy them both (Escort 8500 & Valetine 1), use them both at the same time for a couple weeks and see which one performs better and return the other. They both come with a 30 day return policy no questions asked.


1000 Post Club
Orlando, Fl
I haven't been willing to shell out the $400 for the V1. I have to say the geek in the ads just cracks me up.

I have been using a near top-of-the-line Bel since 1999 and haven't got a ticket yet. And I speed like crazy on the highway.

Really, learning how to use a radar detector is more important than the quality of the detector itself. The cheaper ones give a lot of false alarms and are not as sensitive to the real thing.

No detector will save you if you are alone on the road. Although a high quality one MAY give you early warning to radar over a hill, around a curve, or behind you.

I am fearful of the unmarked cops I occasionally see that are pickup trucks, regular cars, even mini-vans. If you zip past one of those you are gone no matter what.

No matter what you choose, ALWAYS turn it on, because when you least expect it, you will get caught.
Prattville, AL
Nelson330ci said:
[wave] I'm in the market for a radar detector and need some advice? What advice can you guys offer...?

Are they even worth while products to buy, are they really useful if they go off when they shouldn't or go off when the cop is clocking you and its too later...??

Valentine one, with the multiple signals and arrows identifies how many and from what direction, it's the top unit available. I use it, took many trips back and forth from CO to AL. No tickets which exemplifies this product because I was always hauling ass! It also stays up todate with software downloads which keeps this unit from becoming obsolete. It's expensive but I think in this case you get what you pay for.
Lincoln, CA
Best product? Your brain and your eyes. And they're free too.

Like others have said, it's more important to learn how to use the detector than trying to determine which one is the best.

Personally, I use the Valentine 1. I generally only use it when traveling up and down the 5 freeway going from SoCal to the Bay Area and back. Very useful (the arrows and bogey counter) since CHP likes to travel in packs now. It used to be pairs a couple of years ago, but this memorial day weekend, I saw them in groups of 3. They'll have the lead car buzz by at like 90-100+, which scares everyone but then lulls them into thinking the cop's gone. Then, cop #2 will be an equal distance behind, usually right over the horizon, and zoom up to catch people as they speed back up. Now they've added cop #3 to get people cop #2 missed.

You have to remember that radar detectors don't detect when cops are around, just when they use radar. On the 5 and the Bay Area, the cops tend to cruise with radar on so it's very nice. But, if they use an airplane (the main reason why I have a moonroof), or just go by pacing, then you'll have to constantly scan (which you're supposed to do anyways).
Detroit, MI
So do those arrows really help you V1 users? I mean, you know the radar is either in front or back of you... and if it's on the side.. .well, it will be in back of you soon enough and you still need to slow down! I never understood that. Also, are they accurate? I mean, have you had the rear arrow and actually see the fuzz pull up from behind you? I'm looking for real-world stories, not marketing fluff!!

Bmw 325i 7803

1000 Post Club
Some words of wisdom

I pretty much agree with what Codex said. The best radar detectors are your eyes, brain, and your gut feeling. Those are usually free, but sometimes the knowledge learned the hard way is quite expensive. If you drive a highway and find no cops one trip, then another trip you see 1, 2, 3... 5+ you can figure out someone woke the highway patrol and it's not a good idea to speed at all that day. If you're approaching a bend or an area where patrol cars can hide, trust your sixth sense (my case) and slow down. Also keep your eyes towards the sides of the road and if you find any of those black wires running across the road do yourself and everyone else a favor and slow down. If you're gonna punch it ask yourself if you're sure the rear is clear and the cars around you cannot be cops, not to mention that the front appears to be clear (no suspicious cars and no hiding places). Lastly if it's a notorious highway known to be heavily patrolled don't even bother...
Happy driving. [burnout]
Prattville, AL
dzervit said:
So do those arrows really help you V1 users? I mean, you know the radar is either in front or back of you... and if it's on the side.. .well, it will be in back of you soon enough and you still need to slow down! I never understood that. Also, are they accurate? I mean, have you had the rear arrow and actually see the fuzz pull up from behind you? I'm looking for real-world stories, not marketing fluff!!
Yes, I like them. when you run into a pack or more than one, besides telling you how many it detects it tells you if they are in front and behind. When you pass one you need to know if the alarm is still going off because of the one you just passed or is there another one ahead. It's great! Yes they work and to many times to mention have verified the reason for the detector going off and from what direction. Figure it out yourself the advantages of knowing how many and there locations!
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Lincoln, CA
dzervit said:
So do those arrows really help you V1 users? I mean, you know the radar is either in front or back of you... and if it's on the side.. .well, it will be in back of you soon enough and you still need to slow down! I never understood that. Also, are they accurate? I mean, have you had the rear arrow and actually see the fuzz pull up from behind you? I'm looking for real-world stories, not marketing fluff!!
Yes, read my post.

I can try and re-explain what happens. I'm cruising along at a good clip. Nothing but dirt and grass around me except for the occasional semi or something. All of a sudden, Ka sounds. I check the V1 and it's pointing to the rear. Ok, no biggie. Slow down, switch over to the slow lane. Ka gets closer and closer. Soon, a cop car buzzes by me. I think, "great, I'll let him go by a good distance and start to pick up speed again." Ka sound starts getting weaker and arrow points ahead only. When the cop's out of sight and the signal strength is just half way (about 3 dots), beep beep beep. Bogey counter shows two and both the ahead and behind arrows are flashing. Signal strength is the same (which means whoever is behind me is an equal distance away as the person in front of me). Interesting. Only Ka is being signaled. Best slow down just in case. Sure enough, Cop #2 appears looking for people who sped up after Cop #1 whizzed by.

Thanks to the arrows, I knew to be watching my front and rear. During Memorial Day weekend, I saw them pull that trick with 3 cop cars in a row. Tricky tricky bastards. Gotta applaud their timing and spacing. Very stealthy technique. The 101 doesn't have nearly as many cops as the 5 though. I think it's cuz most speeders wouldn't take the 101 since it's like 3 hours longer.
New Jersey
You should also keep in mind that when using a radar detector, you don't only relie on the detector itself. Even with a radar detector, you're still at risk of getting caught by the cops thanks to instant on, cops' certification to estimate speed without radar, and the radar detector just not going off in time sometimes. After having the radar detector in the car for a while, you get used to the way it works, such as how much time you have when a warning goes off, what are and what are not false alarms, knowing the area, and many other factors. It is like a game you play in which you decide on how fast you are "comfortable" speeding.
For example, in the areas that I spend most time at, I can comfortable get away with going 30 in a 25, 42 in a 35, 48 in a 40 and 62 in a 50. Anything faster than that is "risking it" and that is when I rely on the detector more than usual. It also really helps to get used to where the cops hide in your most travelled areas....the radar detector will point them out to you if you're not sure where they like to camp. But if it's an area that I don't know at all, there is NO way I'm going to speed....maybe the cops in that area like to estimate speeds rather than using their radar and I have no idea where they hide...in these cases, the radar detector is absolutely worthless. But there have been times where I'd be speeding and the radar would go off and I would slow down quickly and then I'd see the cop up ahead, in which case the radar detector TOTALLY saved my ass.
A radar detector not only detects cops, it helps "teach" you the way cops operate and allows you to get a lot better at the "speeding game". There are so many different tips that would take us all so long to explain when it comes to speeding and working with your radar detector...get an Escort Passport 8500 X50 or ValentineOne (or one of the top of the line BEL models) and see for yourself. You won't regret it....just keep in mind that in order for the radar detector to work for you, you have to learn how to work for it. [burnout]
Lincoln, CA
^^^ Very true. I think the main benefit of the radar detector was teaching me how cops in my area work. What I've discovered is one particular county's CHP likes to pace. Meaning they just follow you and estimate your speed using their speedometer. Radar is rarely used. So, I've learned how to use my mirrors to watch for tell tale signs of a cop (such as the spotlights and checking to see who's coming on from an onramp, etc.). I don't really rely on V1 on the shorter trips cuz I don't feel comfortable speeding as badly and I can now rely on my eyes and brain more.

But yeah, cruising alone on some deserted highway... the V1 has saved my ass many, many times. It's paid for itself a long, long time ago.
