Wheel/Tire Questions 2003 330i


New Member
Hi Everyone -

I've had my pride and joy now for a little over year! I took her to the dealer b/c I needed to replace a tire (developed a bubble in the rear passenger tire which has since burst). I was told that 2 of the rims were bent and would need to be replaced.

A little background info: I don't know anything about cars other than how it feels when I'm driving one.... and this one feels GREAT!!!!! I bought the sport package (along with a bunch of other extras) which comes with 17 inch wheels.

Ok, so here goes:
1. I was thinking that maybe I should get my current rims fixed and use them as snow tire rims and just get a whole new set of rims for everyday.... (I've scratched the current ones pretty badly) - is that a good idea?
2. How do I figure out the rims' size (I know that they're different sizes from front to back)?
3. Should I get BMW wheels? Does it matter?
4. How do the tires get rotated if they're not all the same size? What kind of tires should I get?

Any thoughts, advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated.... as you can probably tell, I'm very overwhelmed by the whole thing!!!!

Herndon Virginia
I'm a newbie (or soon to be) BMer owner - so i wanted you to know I have no specific BMer knowledge - but I also wanted to say that i think your idea of using your current wheels as winter wheels is agood one (check into to Vredstein winter performance tires - you won't at all regret it!)...and then I might suggest going with 18's with pure summer performance tires. Wheel style - BMW or aftermarket should be based on what you like - and what you intend to do with the car (do you need max performance for the track for instance). There are many fine/rad wheels out there - so I wouldn't limit yourself to just BMW for consideration (check tire racks customizable options - nice tool - and accounts for potentuial diff in rear wheel size and you may want to consult with folks - here and elsewhere as to advisability of going all one size or differentiatiating - i know I will have this same question come November when I'll be looking - perhaps - for some winter wheels myself - and I don't know the answer - but I suspect that you have some leeway - that in most driving conditions it may not make all that much difference - but again - don't know...and yeah rotation (or lack therof) is an issue with diff size wheels front and back - and in many ways I'd rather theat they were the same - and they're not on my upcomming 330 ZHP - shame - but I supose there is a handling benefit (and would love for someone who knows to explain...beyond perhaps the obvious....)...oh and you will want wheels that have bolt pattern & offset etc that will fit your car - do pay attention to that and ensure your getting the right wheels for your vehical...
Just look at the tire size, that will tell you what you need to know. You should see something like 225 45 17. The last number is the wheel diameter.
