Dynamic Stability Control-How Do You Know If It's Working?

New Jersey
It's not from cleaning my car, it's specifically from the EagleOne A2Z All Wheel & Tire Cleaner. I spray the shit on my wheels and tire sidewalls and a lot of it gets on the rotors (intentionally). Even after I rinse the stuff away thoroughly, I guess whatever residue is left forms some kind of brown ugly coat on the rotors, it happens every time. Once the car is fully dry and I wanna drive it, I pull out of the garage and then go down my driveway and as I first apply the brakes (my driveway is long and downhill), I hear/feel the ABS working just a bit. I know how the ABS feels and sounds because I used to mess around with my car in the snow...it makes these ugly noises and the brake pedal feels weird (stupid Japs even make the damn ABS feel bland). Anyways, after one or two applications of the brake pedal, the ABS stops kicking in and the rust coating crap is completely gone (I've stopped and checked it out for myself...same results every time). I've actually been meaning to call EagleOne about it to make sure that this coat isn't affecting my rotors or anything crazy like that.

As for the traction control deal, remember that it happened when I got into my accident (which consisted of a huge-ass slide). When I was trying to bring the car home in its shitted-up state, the VDC light was on and my whole navigation screen was taken over by this huge "VDC ERROR WARNING" crap. I told the dealership to check it out -particularly the sensors- and make sure it's okay when they were repairing the car, but they told me everything was cool....I guess not. The traction control did work after the accident, but it always took far too much slippage to kick in. My attempts at making it work after those auto washes got it working fast again.


Senior Member
Lancaster, PA
MrElussive said:
It's not from cleaning my car, it's specifically from the EagleOne A2Z All Wheel & Tire Cleaner. I spray the shit on my wheels and tire sidewalls and a lot of it gets on the rotors (intentionally). Even after I rinse the stuff away thoroughly, I guess whatever residue is left forms some kind of brown ugly coat on the rotors, it happens every time. Once the car is fully dry and I wanna drive it, I pull out of the garage and then go down my driveway and as I first apply the brakes (my driveway is long and downhill), I hear/feel the ABS working just a bit. I know how the ABS feels and sounds because I used to mess around with my car in the snow...it makes these ugly noises and the brake pedal feels weird (stupid Japs even make the damn ABS feel bland). Anyways, after one or two applications of the brake pedal, the ABS stops kicking in and the rust coating crap is completely gone (I've stopped and checked it out for myself...same results every time). I've actually been meaning to call EagleOne about it to make sure that this coat isn't affecting my rotors or anything crazy like that.

As for the traction control deal, remember that it happened when I got into my accident (which consisted of a huge-ass slide). When I was trying to bring the car home in its shitted-up state, the VDC light was on and my whole navigation screen was taken over by this huge "VDC ERROR WARNING" crap. I told the dealership to check it out -particularly the sensors- and make sure it's okay when they were repairing the car, but they told me everything was cool....I guess not. The traction control did work after the accident, but it always took far too much slippage to kick in. My attempts at making it work after those auto washes got it working fast again.
I'm telling you it's not the spray. it's impossible for that to have ANY effect on the abs itself. absolutely impossible to effect it. but go ahead and call - they'll tell you the same thing. You're just feeling the rust being ground off. It happened when I first drove my car again after sitting for 3 weeks in the driveway while doing repairs.
Orange County, California
bmwrocks said:
I test the DSC just for fun sometimes by flooring it and trying to do a doughnut in a rain slick cul-de-sac or parking lot. The car will not spin the wheels or fish tail whatsoever. Try that. Just make sure you don't have an open drink in the car or any loose things laying around.

I also occasionally do an ABS test on a wet road. I read in Roundel that it is a good idea to flex all the emergency systems (with the exception of the airbags, seat belt tensioners, battery disconnect and door hook) every once in a while to keep them working properly.
im gonna try these very soon


1000 Post Club
Orlando, Fl
I get the rust on my rotors every time I wash the car. It grinds a little when I roll it down the driveway into the garage and is gone on one rotation with the brakes applied.
Want to REALLY test ABS and traction control? Go to an Autocross event. Everybody runs with Traction Control, Stability Control, etc. turned off, for obvious reasons. But last month I forgot to turn off the system for one of my runs. [slap] It cost me almost 2 seconds. [bigcry] Well, at least I know it works. [fake]
New Haven, Connecticut
Anybody experience the ABS/DSC lights coming on and staying on... indicating a system malfunction? Mine started doing this yesterday but would correct itself after driving a bit or on subsequent start ups. However this moring after arriving at work, I put the car into park and all the idiot lights came on and again stayed on.

I guess I should bring it to a dealer but of course don't want to plunk down cash if it's fixing itself. Possibly it's a bad sensor somewhere. The system worked fine yesterday as well (after the lights went out) as I took off fast through some gravel and the DSC activated.
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Orlando, FL
Kirby said:
I think Roundel has given good advice. The failure detection systems can't detect what I'll call "pending failures". An example is the antilock brake valve. When ABS is activated, the valve blocks or bypasses pressure to the wheel cylinder to prevent lockup. If this valve were to get dirty, etc. the it could test normal and pass diagnostics, but fail when it is activated under stress.

If you did needed ABS in an emergency, it would be a little late for the light to come on and say "ABS Failure" when you are 3 feet from plowing into another car.

Besides verifying the systems' functionality, the test performs another purpose - Driver training. It is good to know and feel how ABS, DSC, etc feels in a non-critical situation so it doesn't surprise you when it kicks in during real on the road situations.
I agree with Kirby -- Its good to know what DSC and all the other saftey features feel like... I remember the first time my DSC kicked in -- it scared me. I describe the feeling as like God grabbed the steering wheel and straigtned the car out.
