Here's my personal $0.02.
Cops probably think DDEs are DRLs. I am almost certain that cops (unless they are car nuts) know nothing about what is "real" DRL and what isn't. There are just so many variety of DRLs right now -- some use low beams at full intensity, some use high beams at reduced intensity, some use parking lights (amber) at full intensity etc etc, and I am not convinced that cops know which cars come with which.
My take on it is that as long as you have some kind of lighting, they don't care.
Having said that, I've driven past cops many times without problems -- with absolutely no lights, although sometimes I would get nervous and turn on my parking lights as soon as I spot a cop in the oncoming traffic. But I usually don't bother anymore.
Hm... that's an interesting comment you said cops in T.O. are a**. I thought that's more like the case in Vancouver from what I heard from people on the RSX board I used to frequent. My impression is that cops in Van love to give people who drive modded cars a hard time.